Silver Bullet
The "Silver Bullet"is our club's quarterly newsletter that is currently offered electronically to all club members. It is normally published in March, June, September, and December. If you have big win news, pictures, information, or an article you'd like to share, please submit before the 1st day of these months to:
Newsletter Editor:
Danielle Lowe
We want to hear from and see what our fellow Silver breeders have been up to!
If you would like to place an ad in the Silver Bullet, ad rates are as follows:
Full page Ad for one year: $80
Full page Ad for one issue: $25
Half page Ad for one year: $40
Half page Ad for one issue: $15
Quarter page Ad for one year: $20
Quarter page Ad for one issue: $5 ​
Payment must be received in full and processed before the ad will be placed in the Silver Bullet.
Ads & Payment in the form of a check made payable to NSRC can be sent to:
NSRC Secretary/Treasurer
Melissa Ordway
47 Hardscrabble Rd
Port Jervis, NY 12771
You can now pay for Silver Bullet ads with PayPal! Please log in to PayPal and send payment via "Friends and Family" to: SilversSecretary@gmail.com
Please note what payment is for.